Design Projects


Design4Respect | Design That Makes You Think | Roommate Finder | Website Design | DRINK WATCHR

Design 4 Respect for Boundaries

Design That Makes You Think

Sexual misconduct is a growing problem in our society. Many teenagers are sexually active, but the majority of them do not get enough or appropriate sex education. They are therefore unable to make informed decisions about their sexual behavior and how it will influence them and those with whom they engage in this behavior.

The effect of perception on emotion, with a focus on auditory and visual perception and how the two modes interact with one-another, is explored in this paper. Previous experiments and research will be discussed, followed by our exploratory critical design, meant to determine which of the two senses holds greater sway on our emotions.

The pictorial and research paper that went along with this video can be found and downloaded here

The pictorial and research paper that went along with the video can be found and downloaded here

Roommate Finder

This project was given to just design an application that was useful purpose. It helped me learn to use Sketch and Illustrator, for my basic skill set. I learned spacing, sizing, and styling. It was one of my first projects for design.

project 2 B.png


Website Design

This project was to design a website with a specific ascetic that felt the same way the client felt. I created a brand and storefront look to reflect the in store experience.   




The application I had an idea for will help users keep track of your drinks when out and having fun, making sure that they are at a safe limit. It will count the number of drinks and the type of alcohol you have taken in. Using the metrics of the users sizing it will calculate the BAL and estimated safe driving time. I used tool kits for the Apple Watch and Sketch to help me produce the final product.

The interaction flow, shows 3 processes that are involved within the applications and movements.

The home screen showing current drinks with ability to add and check vltal signs

Quantity of drinks in given period

BAL screen with drive time

These sketches show the thought processes I had prior to sitting down at a computer to design.

Add a drink screen from selection

Confirmation of input

Metrics input

There were many functions that I had wanted integrate and were needing to be placed intuitively to the user.

Select a drink

Vital signs screen
